President Bush is going to do something about Gas Prices
Reason has some background information. My guess, and it's just a guess, is that Bush is going to posture in order to score political points by 'sticking it to big oil' in favor of the 'little guy'. Lot's of thunder, very little lightning. If we're really lucky he'll try and explain supply and demand to the public. That should be entertaining if nothing else. Here's what he won't do; He won't help lower gas prices. There are two things that will lower gas prices. One, more gas, lots more gas. Two less demand. The president could lead that charge to reduce government interference with the market. That would help some. But I doubt he'll do that.
Why don't you write the White House a letter and explain? As the resident Professor of Economics you're way more qualified to get something done about this whole gas thing.
The fact that you think what I wrote makes me look like a 'professor' is sad. Didn't you have to take any econ classes? Supply and Demand is not really a hard concept. If you want I'll point you to some web sites that can explain it. You used to be bright. You should pick it up pretty quickly.
And you used to be tolerable. I'll pass on the educational sites. They use words that are a little too big for me. I'd much rather read one of your 5 page posts.
I think you're missing the point Garble. If I may, I believe Jack calling you the "resident professor" was sarcasm. Don't take everything so damn literally. I'm pretty sure Jack knows about supply and demand, and I don't think he really believes you're a professor.
Jack you liar. That’s two fuckups in one comment. I’ve never been tolerable and the longest post I’ve written was birthright and it was 4 pages.
Cohort: My trailblazer has an inline 6. They come with I6 and V8, no V6 offered. As far as getting rid of it to reduce the demand for gas I’ll pass. I like the Trailblazer and I can afford the gas. We get about 18 mpg daily driving and 21 mpg on long trips. Not great but not too bad. It’s definitely worth it.
One word to the TB: Gay.
What's you beef on the trailblazer?
It sucks, just like the rest of GM. It's clunky, unrefined, the interior is boring and the instrument panel is annoying.
Details, man, details.
I have your details hanging right here.
Quality over quantity inbred.
It occurs to me that I’ve overlooked the actual question hidden inside jacks poorly thought out and humorless insult. How would I lower the price of gas? Unfortunately I don’t have a solution. (I also don’t have a plan for better health care, global warming or racism.) I do however have some ideas that may help. No promises.
What are the bottlenecks to getting more fuel to market? Obviously there’s a limited supply of crude oil but what else? How big of an impact is the limit of our refinery capacity? How about the different blends required in different locations? Is there insufficient competition? What’s the cost of adding ethanol? What is the cost of government regulation on fuel etc?
Now the juicy stuff:
Most of these should be handled by the Justice Department and FBI
Are oil companies colluding on prices? Have they engaged in anti-competitive business practices? Not just in the last 12 months, but as far back as the statute of limitations extends? How about in the refinery side of the business?
Few if any of these will happen. There’s more political mileage in making a lot of noise and keeping things the same. Another reason why governments are best kept out of markets as much as possible.
Just my two cents. Feel free to now complain about how long this comment is.
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