Monday, April 24, 2006

Dumb people annoy me

A jury made another stupid award in a liability case. The problem is dumb but sympathetic juries. Any rigid system you care to name is going to have flaws in it. There needs to be human judgment somewhere in the system. The problem is that morons get on the jury and screw everything up.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Sorry! It wouldn't post this morning. I didn't know it was posting every one!

24/4/06 12:43  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

The jury was wrong. I'm chalking it up to Darwinism.

24/4/06 12:51  
Blogger Garble said...

My theory is that the jury feels sympathy with the victim or their survivors. They think they can 'do something' to help and so they do. Since it's a large company with deep pockets they figure it will be ok. boctaoe

24/4/06 19:04  

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