Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Cheap Sword Like Objects

You can buy cheap swords at Tacoma convenience stores. This has residents upset. God knows why. In my experience the type of person likely to own a sword isn’t that dangerous. They’re usually too out of shape and unmotivated to threaten the public. Oh sure, they might talk about how deadly they and their swords are. They might even explain (at length) just how dangerous their Highlander™ style katana really is. Since it’s been folded 500 times by the a master Japanese sword smith. They might tell you that they never leave the house without making sure their 300$ S.E.A.L fighting knife or collapsible baton is well concealed but easy to accessaccess in case they’re attacked. They probably own lots of books on Ninjas, or the Lost Sword Techniques of the Celtic Berserkers. But it’s all for show. If you ask them “Why did you buy a 6 bladed Romulan Batlath” They’ll tell you “because it looks cool.” Then they’ll change the subject. Bottom line, unless you’re an inanimate object within easy reach of the couch you’re very safe. Drunken Lacrosse players are a much bigger threat.

Best Line In The Article
“What people just need to keep in mind is, yes, it can be used as a weapon like lots of things,” he said. But a sword or knife requires proximity and a great deal of physical effort to inflict harm, he said.



Blogger Garble said...

Yes, I'm aware of the irony in my posting this.

19/4/06 10:37  
Blogger Simon Hawk said...

DAMN, you beat me to it. Still a funny article though.

19/4/06 11:05  
Blogger Garble said...

Did you catch the part in the article where someone claims that sword sales are an important part of the economy?

19/4/06 12:01  

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