Monday, April 17, 2006


I think it was a combination of the Wheel of Time and thumbing through a monstrous manual. It doesn’t matter. I thought of a cool idea for a D&D Game. I’ve fleshed out about 80% of the campaign in my head. Most of the meat hangs on the players being unaware of what’s going to happen. But since the odds of ever running this are slim I’m just going to post some of the ideas. I’ll post more if comments lead that way.



Blogger Simon Hawk said...

Obviously we'll never play this, but we could each make a character and then write comments and you could just turn it into a cool story.

18/4/06 05:48  
Blogger Garble said...

I'm glad you check it out. I put the cliff notes at the top so you don't have to wade through all the notes to get to the 'point'. I'll respond to any comments/suggestions/questions you post.

18/4/06 05:57  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I dig it! Very cool idea. I'm formulating some sort of gun-toting, swordsman, monkey-ninja master martial artist as we speak.

18/4/06 07:23  
Blogger Garble said...

The next stage is going to be more info on the main NPC's, including descriptions of how they look. Also need to spell out how the characters start to realize their connection to dragons in parts 2 and 3. So far my idea is to have one of them either be unable to use a 'dragon slayer' sword or else have them damaged by one. I need more than that though. I'll also come up with starting equipment if anyone posts a character idea.

18/4/06 13:57  

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