Friday, April 14, 2006

A tear shed for those lost.

I don't know if the Spoonhouse has heard yet, but "Proof" has been murdered. Yes, that loveable rapper from D12 who no one has ever heard of was killed buy a fellow thug at an illegal afterhours club downtown. That's all I've been hearing this week and I'm fucking sick of it. We have soldiers dying in Iraq and Afganistan, and the media is falling all over this mother fucker. He's a Goddamn rapper and the media is calling him a martyr? First of all, the asshole was probably trying to buy crack. Second, he shot first. Don't try and make him seem like some hero because he got killed in a crack deal gone bad. I'm sick and tired of the media, shit EVERYONE, making these fucking singers and movie stars into fucking gods when there's real heros dying in other counrties. Fuck "Proof" and fuck the media.


Blogger Garble said...

I've never heard of him. It must be the Detroit Local news. Jack, you should do a google search in the local news and see how many articles they did on 'proof' compared to how many articles they did on vets.

14/4/06 06:37  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I'm afraid to. I'm already so infuriated about this thing I don't even want to see the results of that search.

14/4/06 07:01  
Blogger Garble said...

So it's not as bad as it seems

14/4/06 08:51  

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