Monday, April 10, 2006

More wacko terrorist stuff (Texas edition)

This guy gave a speech at the Texas academy of sciences last month where he called for the extermination of 90% of humanity in order to make the planet more sustainable. His preferred method of population reduction would be a pandemic. He’s hopeful that the Ebola Virus that attacks humans will breed with the version that attacks monkeys and then become airborne. Wow. I’ve known some nutjobs with misplaced priorities before but this guy takes the cake. He probably wins the prize for most eccentric college professor and definately and definitely wins the “more misanthropic than Simon” award. (Links to more information here)


Blogger Garble said...

This guy is a loon that hates people. Or at lease he feels insect and plant life is more important than human life. You're just grouchy

10/4/06 07:29  

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