Friday, April 14, 2006

Well, well, well

It's good to see the "house" is still fully operational. Like any completely dysfunctional family, the brief hiatus of one member did not interfere with the usual "foot-in-mouth" material generated on this internet eyesore (that was a compliment, by the way).
Anyway, I've been super-busy pretending to be an adult, but I hope that ends soon. Here's my comments on recent posts:
1. the Com-Icks are great!
2. Scotch Lad is DEAD?!?! When did that happen? If that's true, there needs to be some sort of closure in comic strip form.
3. My list of things to hate is short: China, Muslim Jihadists, and People who shoot wild game on fenced in ranches.
4. EMO sucks. (I thought we established that a long time ago).
5. Garble- Please, don't give away any more deets of "Knife of Dreams"- some of us are still reading the series.
Finally, check out this update on a HOT teacher (Pamela Rogers) who had what some might consider inappropriate contact with a minor. This story takes place in McMinnville (insert joke here), and as usual, it has something to do with Myspace. Also be sure to check out the link to her "bikini pic" that is on the right side of the article.
-Jim Brannick


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Yes, as of last weekend Stotchman is dead and buried. Let's pour one out for him. Jim, you should do the comic.

14/4/06 07:19  
Blogger Garble said...

Simon, stop being such a wuss and do more Com-icks.

14/4/06 07:31  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Hurry up then. I wanna see it! HURRY!

14/4/06 07:34  
Blogger Garble said...

my bad. ithought your idea was to not do a comic

14/4/06 08:12  

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