Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dead before you know it...

This thing is bad as hell. The Cornershot was invented by a former Isreali Defense Force Commander and can kill you from around corners. It can accomodate almost any small arm from Glocks to assult rifles. I think I'll get one. Check out the sight:


Blogger Garble said...

looks cool, expensive though.

20/4/06 09:28  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Leave it to the Israeli's to come up with all the really cool ideas. Too bad we can't "profile" our airline passengers the way the Israeli's do.

I guess that's what 4,000+ years of persecution and genocide will get you--- a serious chip on your shoulder.

BTW, does Israel still have the #2 Air Force in the world?

20/4/06 09:42  

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