Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mickie D's

This picture needs no caption.


Blogger Jim Brannick said...

I was so focused on the super-galactic sized kid that I didn't notice the "super-sized" drink and fries in front of him.

I thought of a caption:

"You gonna eat dat?"

21/4/06 05:42  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

To me, that just seems like child abuse. Parents should be held responsible for feeding that kid to the point where he's about to explode. He's basically doomed to a life of ridicule and wheezing/sweating while talking or walking 10+ paces. That's just no way to live. Someone call child protective services!... and sign him up for Kamp Krusty.

21/4/06 09:48  

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