Friday, March 31, 2006

Terror on I-96

So I'm driving to work today and wake up just enough to see the car in front of me. And to my horror, it's a stark white cargo van with no windows and government plates. Freaked me right out! I didn't want to pass it out of fear of a SAMAS jumping out of the back and sticking a Gauss gun in my face. I've come to the conclusion that gaming does warp your mind!


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

This is true. But don't try to tell me you don't cringe when you see a white cargo van!

31/3/06 06:20  
Blogger Cohort Mandibles said...

You guys are so gay. On the way to school yesterday I saw a group of orcs wielding +4 maces and dexterity rings. I thought about running but I remembered I can cast dispel magic in a 6 point radius, so they trembled and ran, while I emerged victorious.

31/3/06 08:19  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Whatever, we all know a group of orcs would OWN your ass. You fucking pussy.

31/3/06 08:31  
Blogger Cohort Mandibles said...

No way, I can cast magic missiles from 68 miles away.

31/3/06 08:36  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Jack, you're way too paranoid. You must've failed your perception roll, because we all know that it's not white, nondescript, vans we should be worried about... it's those black choppers with the white circle on the ventral side.

Cohort scared those orcs off with his Rod of Seven Parts (aka Rod of 3 inches) and his level 5 homophobia (innate family ability- Simon has it too). Supposedly, the orcs were gay, and looking for a butt-pirate with more than a needle dick.

3/4/06 08:07  

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