Monday, March 27, 2006

"V" for Vendetta

Has anyone seen this movie yet? Is it any good? Due to the recent rash of Hollywood stinkers, I'm trying to be much more selective of which movies I spent 8+ dollars on in the theatre.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

My Brothers saw it and said it was excellent. I was a little worried because it was done by the Wachoskis but I've heard good things. I probably see it this weekend on a matinee!

27/3/06 08:36  
Blogger Garble said...

The original script was by Alan Moore so there's a lot of potential. I'm told that if you're political it's going to annoy you. I wonder how long you would have to avoid the theater and save your money before you could deck out the house with a truly state of the art home theater system. For me that would take…about 20 years. I don’t go to see a lot of movies. Arguably that means I should set up the HTS sooner since I’m watching movies that way already. The next one I’m going to see in the theater will be X-men 3. For the special effects.

27/3/06 09:03  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I hate Hollywood, but I love movies. It's quite the dilemma sometimes. But with Star Wars over, there's little reason for me to go to the movies anymore. I do want to see this movie for two reasons: 1. Hugo Weaving playing a masked, knive chucking martial-arts badass. 2: Natalie Portman.

27/3/06 09:18  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Natalie Portman with a shaved head really doesn't do much for me. (Now if she shaved other areas...)
But seriously, you're all right in that modern movies generally suck ass. Remember the days when movies were corny but terribly entertaining (imagine most Arnold movies)? Here's some ideas for films that would get me back into the theatre (obviously assuming they were well done with good character actors):
1) Star Wars- The Old Republic. This movie could follow a young Palpatine in his rise to becoming the most powerful Sith ever.
2) Indiana Jones IV. There's been lots of rumors about this being in "pre-production". Okay, great. But let's get it done before Harrison Ford gets alzheimers.
3) The Dirt- the Legend of Motley Crue.
4) Anchorman II- Ron Burgundy returns.

27/3/06 11:42  
Blogger Garble said...

eh, hollywood is full of annoying people. What place isn't?

27/3/06 12:23  
Blogger Garble said...

Forget making another star wars movie. Movies are too limited. You have 2 hours to tell a story. Everything that isn't central to that story pretty much has to be cut out. Now a sci-fi channel show set in the star wars universe would be good. How about 26 episodes about how Chewy met Han Solo? Or Bobo Fet’s childhood and teenage years? Or your idea about how palpatine rose to power. Even better, what about the mandalorean wars? That would make a good Show.
Even better than that will be direct to DVD tv shows. Once the market gets large enough to support high production values in niche markets things will really start to rock. Think about what you could do with a show if you weren’t worried about anyone but the fans. No need to recap. No need to keep it mild. You could really dig into a setting.

27/3/06 12:29  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

They are doing that as we speak. I don't know if it's a miniseries or an actual TV show but it's in the works right now. I don't know the time frame but I will do some digging.

27/3/06 12:33  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Jack- if you find what you're referring to, you should post it.
As far as TV shows, that's really what I've been into lately (mainly for the reasons Garble outlined). Here's my current favorites:
1) The Sopranos. This show is fantastic. I know it's on HBO (which many of you may not get), but you can rent them on DVD.
2) The Shield. They're currently running thru the entire series on Spike. This latest season was excellent.
3) Babylon 5 (from a few years ago). I got into that one around the time of Star Trek DS9. I thought is was a lot better than DS9, and it reminded me of a live action Starcraft series. (I also hear Battlestar Galactica is a good one, perhaps someone can weigh in on that).
Now if they could only make an SI series... any takers?

27/3/06 12:49  
Blogger Garble said...

You should check out fire fly. It was really really good. Starts off pretty slowly so you have to give it some time (3 episodes) but I really liked it. Jack, please do dig up the news and rumors about any cool shows. An SI TV show would be sweet. Who would we cast?

27/3/06 12:52  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I say Goldberg for Mack. He's big and he's mean looking. The others I have to think about...

27/3/06 12:58  
Blogger Garble said...

Well you'd obvioulsy be played by Freddie Prince Jr. Tarra Reid could play tasha. X would be played by that german guy from the VW comercia.

27/3/06 13:38  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

If I had to cast for Vladimir Falkov, my first thought was Michael Biehn. But then I realized he is too old (he turns 50 this year!), and Vlad was born (if you want to call it that) in the mid to late 1960's. So, given that he was genetically engineered and has lots of issues with being a soul-less Soviet experiment, I figure Jude Law would pass for Vlad. Of course, he would have to spend about 8 months of pre-production training in the weightroom and at the shooting range and dojo.
I envisioned Clive Owen as Jack, and Mack played by (here's the token black character) Michael Clarke Duncan.
For X... wait a second, why the hell would we even want him in the show?!

27/3/06 14:17  
Blogger NDammitt said...

As to the original post, I have seen 'V for vendetta' and I was not sorry about the 16 bucks for two. It was very Orwell/Huxley oriented, with Great Britain set up as a religious oligarchy... but you've seen the previews. As for the rest of the comments I got lost as soon as you started making the RPG references. I must have been off doing something for the Navy.

27/3/06 16:40  
Blogger NDammitt said...

The starwars mini series idea is great, they could maybe get some of the novel's different authors to write the screenplays for their respective episodes. How cool would it be to have RA Salvatore and Timothy Zhan as script writers.

27/3/06 16:45  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I like Jude Law for Vlad, but you're right, he needs to hit the gym! I like Clive Owen and think he would make a good Jack, but he doesn't have the exact look I imagined. He's way too Crazy. Jack was always pretty unemotional when he iced people. So I thought Christian Bale. He was a cold mother fucker in Equilibrium. As far as Mack goes I'm sticking with Goldberg. He's ripped and mean as hell. Milla Jovovich would be perfect for Tasha. She'd probably even go for it given her love of sci-fi! And for X, you ready? A bald Kevin Spacey. (I always thought he played a good weasel!)

28/3/06 06:05  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Goldberg is freakishly ripped and scary... but it's hard to take him serious after Santa's Slay. I mean, I can't picture Mack Johnson being played by this guy.

28/3/06 06:23  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Good point. I wasn't aware of that movie!

28/3/06 06:30  

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