Cut it out Yamaha!
A few words to any Yamaha engineers out there, quit trying to make snowmobiles into dirt bikes! I just saw the new '07 Phazer. Holy shit is it ugly, not to mention completey useless in any state but Colorado. My first observation was it has no windsheild. Anyone whose rode a sled more than once can tell you they're integral. Second I think they got halfway into building it and forgot to finish. There's not front end! Next, one of my favorite things about new sleds. This stupid thing has a 144" track with 1 3/4" lugs, which any experienced rider will tell you is totally unessessary, even a hindrance. I can already hear the new generation of"hardcore" riders, "what about the deep powder? Those tall lugs really help." Yeah, when was the last time you saw three feet of powder in Michigan? And the suspension? Don't even get me started. 15" of travel? "Dude, it's great for jumps and mogels." I asked a guy at work, "who rides on anything but mild, groomed trails anywhere but the rockies?" He said, "I do!" I know for a fact the mountain he's ever ridden is Black Mountain in Onaway. At any rate, new sleds are a waste of money. If you really need your speed jollies, take up motorcyling.
I agree new sleds totally suck. Unless you want to have fun in the snow. Than they might be usefull. Still any toy you can only use three months out of the years isn't that great.
BTW Welcome to the spoonhouse Jack.
Thanks. I spent a little time looking at the other brands last night and I don't think any company has a sled out there worth buying anymore. And you are right, having fun in the snow rocks. But now days you have to spend $7,000.00 in gas money to find any damn snow.
I definatly dont think snowmobiling is worth it anymore for all the trouble you have to go through to do it. I just like the technological advances in suspensions and engines. The new "toys" these days are of higher quality than any car could ever dream of.
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