Friday, March 10, 2006

Stupid idea of the day.

Cops in Adrian Mi will start pulling people over to give them coupon rewards for good behavior. Others have already done an excellent job pointing out how this is a stupid use of police power and probably just a way to get around the 4th amendment. All I can add is that I’d be pissed if my tax dollars were buying Big-Mac's for ‘good’ drivers. Here's a better idea. Take all the money you were going to spend on coupons and lower my property taxes. Next fire all the cops with nothing better to do then reward good drivers because we obviously don’t need them to protect and sever the public. You can probably get some more money back by selling the extra cop cars and equipment. Also, just to be safe fire everyone who came up with this idea because they obviously don't understand that my taxes should be as low as possible.

I’ll bet the cops that have to do this are just as annoyed as those FBI agents that had to go work on the anti-porn taskforce.

Good Driver: “You pulled me over just to give me a 10% off coupon because I wasn’t speeding?”
Cop: “Yes ma’am. Your diving was excellent. You weren’t speeding when I saw you and you didn’t swerve outside the lanes. I have to assume that you deserve a coupon”
Good Drive: “You followed me for 10 minutes! Do you have any idea how annoying that is?”
Cop: “I just wanted to make extra sure you were a good driver. Have another 10% off coupon. This one’s for Old Country Buffet!”
Good Driver: “Extra Sure? You utter dick. You scared the shit out of me. Even worse, now I’m going to be late for a stupid coupon.”
Cop: “Would another coupon help enhance your calm citizen?”
Good Driver: “Don’t tell me to be calm you tool. This is a waste of time. Take those coupons, fold them until they’re all sharp corners and shove them up your ass.”
Cop:Excuse me?!”
Good Driver: “I’ll bet the donut coupons are ‘awarded’ first thing every morning, chubby.”
Cop: “You can’t talk to me that way. I deserve your respect. I protect and serve.”
Good Driver: “No other cops protect and serve. You waste time and eat donuts. Eat powdered pig shit you time wasting donut dick.”


Blogger Simon Hawk said...

If anything they should reward good drivers by lowering Insurance rates more.

10/3/06 07:13  
Blogger Garble said...

I'd be happy if they reward good drivers by letting us go about our business.

10/3/06 07:15  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Allstate rewards good drivers with $100 off their premium for each year they go without a ticket or accident. So, there are some incentives for good driving, though rare.

This thing in Adrian reminds me of a story I saw about police in Richmond, British Columbia. Apparently, they've got a program where the "positively ticket" youths for good behavior. The police are also supposed to mentor troubled youths. Yeah, like I want a cop hanging around me all day- that's a guaranteed way of getting your ass beat. This makes two times today that Canada has pissed me off.

10/3/06 07:23  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

correction, it's not $100 off the premium (that would be bad for business), it's $100 off the deductable.

10/3/06 07:24  

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