I like wood

This is a frame that I made last year. I gave it to my In-Laws as a thank you present. J’s a friend of mine in Cheese land who's been teaching me to make stuff out of wood. He got the plan from a wood working magazine. The frame’s made out of Walnut and finished with Zar Rosewood short oil stain. The hard part was that we didn't have a planer or joiner at the time and the walnut was rough cut. Since we were working with small lengths of narrow width we were able to cheat the table saw into a planer / joiner. J bought a planer this winter so we won't have to do that any more. I'm making a similar frame for my sister in law from hard maple, but given how little time I have for woodworking it's slow going.
Woodworking is cool. I think the pinnacle is when you build things using your own materials and wood. A few years back, a tornado knocked down a bunch of old, giant oak trees on Jim Brannick Sr.'s property. Grandpa Brannick kept all the wood and used it for projects for over 15 years! Most recently, he and my uncle made a baby cradle using that oak and a pattern from Winfield Collection. It looks awesome.
But, Grandpa Brannick has some things that most of us wood-worker wannabes don't have: all the equipment, space (a 400 sq ft workshop), and LOTS of time.
Yeah, if it wasn't for the lack of time, space and equipment I'd be a lot more productive. When we move back I want a cheaper house that's closer to work. That way i'll have more time and can buy some more equipment. I need a table saw, planer, joiner, and and some hand tools and I'm good to go.
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