Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Snowmobile question

25 people this year have died in Wisconsin while ridding snowmobiles. So says the local news. Local news also says that we need a helmet law to save lives. Rather than do research and find data comparing fatalities per registered snowmobiles in neighboring states and try to control for helmet / no helmet I thought I just ask the house:

Is 25 a large number of people killed ridding snowmobiles in a season?
Are helmets necessary equipment?
Do you think helmets should be required for anyone ridding a sled?
Should there be a speed limit for snowmobiles? If so what should it be?
Should the government just leave people the hell alone and let anyone that wants to engage in risky activities for fun have at it?

I did find this with some summary data about fatal snowmobile accidents. It looks like speed, turns, trees and booze are big factors.


Blogger Garble said...

I can get behind that. Every artic cat should be sold with a fifth of everclear?

1/3/06 11:21  
Blogger Simon Hawk said...

And a nitrous kit.

1/3/06 12:16  
Blogger Garble said...

So, should the same rules apply for 4-wheelers?

1/3/06 12:24  
Blogger Garble said...

I'm with Cohort (odd to say that) No rules.

1/3/06 14:21  

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