Sunday, February 26, 2006

CNN targets Clueless Elite With Dull Article on Jobs

Apparently you don’t need a college degree to get a great job. What a mind blowing piece of news. I thought that anyone without a college degree was fated to a life of toil and misery. Forced to live in crippling poverty wile their souls slowly died from the barren, meaningless drudgery of their lot. Doesn’t a college degree automatically get you a check every month for $10,000 and a nice car? I was sure that was the case. It looks like I was wrong. Here’s the complete list.

All kidding aside I’d like to avoid anyone that’s shocked because a college degree isn’t a necessary component to success. I know that it helps. But it’s not a silver bullet. As a matter of fact, I’ll bet the earning potential of a skilled builder is a lot higher than the earning potential of an art history major.

On a side note, since when did total take home pay become the single yardstick of a good job? I can think of a number of people I know that are successful and happy and not working as an investment bankers in New York for $250,000 / Year.


Blogger Jim Brannick said...

I noticed that article listed air traffic controller as the #1 job for non-degree holders. Talk about a stressful nightmare! They probably had to lower the education requirements because nobody with half a brain would actually WANT that job- regardless of the compensation.
But seriously, I think that article focused on the exceptions to the norm. This article gives some good summary stats of degree versus non-degree holders. Notice what all the high non-degree earners have in common??? They are all dropouts from prestigious universities.

28/2/06 05:44  
Blogger Garble said...

Admission to an ivy league school is strongly correlated with parents income. Something else they left out of the article.

My main point was that their are a lot of college degree that won't help your earning potential as much as a real skill like carpentry.

28/2/06 09:52  

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