Revenge of the SIKH

Only in Canada.
The Supreme Court in Quebec recently overturned a ban on kirpans (ceremonial daggers) in schools, thereby allowing Sikh highschoolers to sport the kirpans as long as they're sheathed and covered with clothes.
Here's a great line from the complete article where a Judge is trying to justify the carrying of daggers:
"There are many objects in schools that could be used to commit violent acts and that are much more easily obtained by students, such as scissors, pencils and baseball bats."
Putting a pencil or scissors on the same level with a 10-inch dagger is like saying a pellet gun can do as much damage as a .35 whelan!
Here's the best part: The head of a Civil Liberties organization said she was "thrilled" at the ban being lifted, citing it as a freedom of religion. Does anyone else see the irony here? A Civil Liberties leader actually supporting weapons in schools!?
Just prepare yourselves, a number of other Cananadian provinces have already reached compromises with orthodox Sikh allowing them to carry kirpans. This means that we're likely to see similar court battles in the U.S. in the near future.
This really falls under the catagory of who cares? I'm actually not that worried about a knife in school. It's not the knife it's the person with the knife. Hopefully this will help change the stupid zero tolerance policies that we have in the US. Kids getting expelled because they had a pocket knife are silly.
The last thing we need is a bunch of mini-Garbles running around middle schools with pocket knives. Do you realize how much that would cost taxpayers in audio/visual repairs?
Garb's, you should be worried about knives in school. By the time your daughter is old enough to attend high school things will be so far in the tank that unless you plan on home schooling her or paying for a private school she's going to need a bullet proof vest and a 3rd degree blackbelt just to make it to class.
I'm sure Grable will pass along all his Kempo skillz to his offspring. In fact, martial arts knowledge is probably written into his DNA, so his spawn will have brown belts just on principle when they're born. I still haven't met a kung fu master who can stop a .357 mag, though. Only in the movies.
"Hopefully this will help change the stupid zero tolerance policies that we have in the US. Kids getting expelled because they had a pocket knife are silly."
Don't come looking to me for sympathy if one of your kids gets shived in class, im sorry but jackass children don't need knives in school. Play with all the knives you want after class thats what I say.
"Um, yes, Mr. Grable? Hi, I'm Principal Skinner over here at MLK High School. I'm sorry to inform you that one of your spawn was caught slicing through the projector cord. The resulting electric short caused a blackout in the building. During the blackout, and gangbanger jacked your kid's knife and stabbed them in the kidney...."
i don't think weapons in school are a good idea. but not all knives are weapons. booting a good kid out because their finger nail clippers have a 1 in knife is stupid.
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