Monday, March 13, 2006

Time to stock up on ammo

Did you ever wonder how safe your quiet little suburban neighborhoods are? Well, you should. Doing a quick search on the Michigan Public Sex Offenders site, I found your neighborhoods crawling with creepers. So, you may want to keep a close watch on any miscreants that are staring at your wife/fiancée/girlfriend in a disconcerting way. Here’s some examples of what I’m talking about:

Simon, you need to watch out for this creeper who lives just around the corner from you. But make sure you save a "lead pumpkin" for this lurker who’s only about a 1/4 mile from you.

Jack, keep your eyes peeled for this guy, but you may have to worry more about this character (for some reason, he’s really happy to be a demented fuck). And watch out, this guy lives on your old street!

And Cohort, you’ve got problems. Here’s some guys to watch out for (they might try and meathook your girlie):


Blogger Garble said...

Those are some creepy creepy fuckers. I'm glad there wasn't anyone I knew on there.

14/3/06 03:07  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Understand that those were only a few of the sickos in each area. You can get a more comprehensive list by entering in your zip code. I didn't see anybody in Holly that we went to school with (which was actually a surprise), but there might be a couple creepers that are closer to Cohort's age.

14/3/06 06:15  

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