Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Because we all like comics. Or at least I do. So the rest of you can suck it if you don't.

Edible Dirt” So I haven’t read all of them. They might have a lot of bad comics in there. BUT This one’s good. and this one’s good and this one is just wrong.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I say it's mediocre. The jokes are too obvious. It's like they go for the "throw away" joke. (That last one was just plain wrong, though!)

21/3/06 04:54  
Blogger Garble said...

There are a LOT of just plain wrong ones in there. I like the moses one also. I should have held off and picted better examples of good ones. Still, worth a quick read.

21/3/06 05:03  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

The best web comic I've seen in awile is Least I Could Do. Now that's comedy!

21/3/06 05:18  
Blogger Garble said...

Least I could do is pretty funny. If you read from beginning to end Rayne turns from a womanizing playa to an outright sociopath. a good natured and funny sociopath but still pretty nucking futs.

21/3/06 07:37  

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