Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bunch of slack-jawed faggots...

Somewhere in the jungles of central America, a skull-less Blaine is rolling over in his grave. These tools have built a minigun that shoots BB's (Oooooo....), and they're so excited that their .88g steel BB's can "shred a TV!"... pathetic. I bet these are the same guys that Jizzoel's brother saw sparring with medieval weapons constructed of PVC pipe. The most pathetic thing is that they built a backpack (similar to Blaine's), complete with a fake string of ammo leading to the minigun. The only cool thing about their site is that in the video of them testing out the tracers (why???), the background music is "Sandstorm".
Just to be fair to these morons, I need to point out that Jesse's minigun was, in fact, not real (WHAT?! you mean he wasn't shooting a REAL minigun?!! what have I been doing with my life???). Well, the gun itself was authentic, but.... Here's some interesting facts about the movie's gun from wikipedia:

"In the movie, an American soldier wears a portable minigun and operates it as a hand-held machine gun, despite the weapon's high recoil and unwieldy nature. Therefore he would have been thrown backwards, or would caused a serious back problem after firing the weapon. This famous film sequence was captured in typical Hollywood fashion, utilizing specially constructed props and with little regard for the minigun's real-life tactical employment. First, the actor's (Jesse Ventura) weapon, though authentic, fired specially loaded, reduced-charged blanks to reduce recoil to manageable levels. Second, the external electrical power to spin the gun barrels was supplied through a cable hidden underneath the actor's uniform, giving the impression that the minigun was a self-powered unit. Finally, the minigun's longest on-screen firing time exceeded 20 (continuous) seconds. A real minigun, spinning its barrels at 4,000 rpm, would consume 1,300 rounds of 7.62 mm ammo in that time, an amount of ammo weighing over 100 lbs (55 kg). Although not an unrealistic load for a muscle-bound soldier, it is doubtful that such a burdensome weapon system would be carried behind enemy lines on foot."

Here's some pics of aircraft and tank-mounted versions:

If you want to see a great video of REAL tank-killers in action, check out this video. Make sure you turn your volume up. It takes a minute to download, but it's worth it.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

That triple minigun in the left hand picture gave me a boner. You know the SEALs have a tripod mounted minigun that shoots 40mm grenades?! No that's a weapon.

23/3/06 08:52  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

I totally agree- those BB's would certainly leave a mark. I just thought that what they did would be similar to putting a 4-cylinder engine in a Hummer... sure it looks cool on the outside, but how useful is it? Now, if they had loaded that thing up so that it could fire paintballs...

I also forgot to mention that in Terminator 2, Arnold was (supposedly) the only person on the set capable of lifting the minigun. Fucking sweet.

23/3/06 09:03  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

Also, Jack- I remember you saying your uncle(?) telling stories about the choppers firing miniguns (in Vietnam???), and with the tracers they looked like they were pissing into the jungle. Did you happen to check out that video? Looks exactly like what your uncle described.

23/3/06 09:05  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I haven't looked yet. the VP is here today so it's hard to watch videos. I will see it at lunch. Did I ever tell you that they found a downed chopper and ripped a minigun off of it? They then proceeded to mount it on their fucking jeep! They had to take it off because whenever they pulled the trigger it would run out of ammo in two seconds, fill the back with hot brass, and send the jeep back 50ft!

23/3/06 09:10  

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