New Poll Question
Should Jim be invited back so that we can start doing another comic? It’s going to be super-hero related with a drunken geek theme. It’s also got absolutely nothing to do with the previous comic. It will have different characters, different art, different themes a different format and a different focus. Scotchlad won’t be in it. What do you think of the idea?
I already started creating a genuine character.
I think it could be fun only if it doesn't degenerate. If its just a comic period, and nothing more then it will be fun. I say keep it on a seperate blog just for the comic itself.
I think it'll be cool to either put the comics up here or track the comics site closely on this site. Keep on site for the comic and one for discussion of the comics.
Why are you so pissed JUST at Jim? I get the anger, just not why it's all focused at him.
I'm not just pissed at Jim. I hate you too. See? I'm spreading the anger.
Feel the love in the blog.
Don't worry about it too much, hate was invented for people like me. If you want I can put you in touch with the people that hate me society.
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