Friday, February 10, 2006

More Penny-Arcade.

Simon’s post made me go back and read some early Penny-arcade. I noticed two things. The first is that even though I don’t get a lot of video game references the comics are funny anyway. Second some of the comics remind me of different hollyites. So Here’s a short list of comics with commentary.

More hilarious violence. For some reason this reminds me of jack. He was more than ready for Y2K. At this point I decided that simon=tycho and jack = gabe. Mostly because I’ve often thought about replacing them with a pair of monkeys. I know we've all wanted to set people on fire before. Also Simon used to use a lot of hairspray. Now that Jack and Simon are assigned, I’m going to take the roll of Div-X. He doesn’t really add anything and it’s not a great fit but what they hell. They put cohort in the comic. I don’t know who this guy is but the comic is funny anyway. Let this be a lesson to all aspiring artists out there. Don’t scare the customer. Remember the bet about if josh would kill himself? I wonder if simon and jack ever had this conversation when they lived together. I don’t remember anything like this in Terre Haute. Not that I looked. I should have looked. This one’s for all of you word haters out there.

And finally I really like things that don’t make sense like.


Blogger Garble said...

It's funny how life imitates art sometimes.

10/2/06 08:38  

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