If you understand this guy then you need help
There’s a difference between fetish and fan. Here’s a monologue that Aaron Sorkin wrote on it a while ago.
I'm a fan. I'm a sports fan, I'm a music fan and I'm a Star Trek fan. All of them. But here's what I don't do. Tell me if any of this sounds familiar: "Let's list our ten favorite episodes. Let's list our least favorite episodes. Let's list our favorite galaxies. Let's make a chart to see how often our favorite galaxies appear in our favorite episodes. What Romulan would you most like to see coupled with a Cardassian and why? Let's spend a weekend talking about Romulans falling in love with Cardassians and then let's do it again." That's not being a fan. That's having a fetish.
In some areas I’m definitely walking past fandom point. Star Trek’s not one of them but I understand that impulse, I get it. All of the regulars here do also. But this guy; This guy is so far gone that I can’t even see his how he got there. I just don’t get how you can get there from here. Hell, I don’t get how you can get there from Gen-Con.
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