This is stupid and pointless on almost every level
If this included cars it would be the last thing on earth Jack would want to watch. It's got politics, money, and a stupid flash animation. Apparently aimed at children it attempts to call attention to the NCLB act and request a delay of its implementation. Please don’t watch it. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen all week. But do pause to consider that the National Teachers Association paid money to create an animation to deliver a policy position to children. Children can’t vote. Children this young think their school is great. It isn't until you pay property taxes that you start to care about schools in a critical way. So maybe the intention is to influence parents, who don’t watch cartoons. Dumb. Dumb Dumb.
There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.
May this be
your time to laugh,
embrace & receive
personal peace,
Dr. Howdy
It’s like I did magic. By writing a completely pointless post about something painfully dumb in both concept and execution I elicited a comment from what appears to a raving lunatic. I've looked at his blog. This person doesn't seem to be insane or mentally damaged but he posted this comment anyway. I wonder if I can do this again. I wonder if I have a new superpower?
Isn't that a Beatles song or something?
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