Saturday, February 11, 2006


Along the lines of a previous post.


Blogger Garble said...

How hard up for a date do you have to be before you think blowing yourself up is your best chance to meet women?

11/2/06 13:39  
Blogger Garble said...

It's their stupidity about our freedom that allows us to dominate them. That and a capitalist economic system that's made us so rich we have weapons technology that can target the glint off of a scimitar from 2000 miles away. But mostly it's our freedom.

12/2/06 10:12  
Blogger Garble said...

I got this Robin Williams joke from Liberating our Heritage

In his 2002 performance, Live on Broadway, Robin Williams tells of how after bin Laden ascends to heaven, 72 members of the Continental Congress greet him. “How dare you defile that which we created,” George Washington declares, after which he starts kicking the shit out of bin Laden. “What’s this?” asks the terrorist. “Where are my virgins?” “Seventy-two Virginians, you asshole!” Washington roars.

12/2/06 16:58  

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