Friday, February 10, 2006

Why would I think Arab Muslims are Violent?

this under politics, news of the weird and comics. A newspaper in Denmark has ignited protests across the Arab world by including an editorial cartoon that features Mohamed. Pictures of Mohamed are illegal under Islamic law and the cartoon implies that Islam is a violent religion. To protest this sacrilegious treatment and prove just how correct the cartoon was Arabs have burned Dutch flags and embassies. They’ve also launched protests etc etc. Here are the stupidest things about the whole situation.
  1. It’s a cartoon. They’re getting this pissed over a cartoon.
  2. It’s not even the first time the cartoon has been printed
  3. Idiots are actually saying that we should be more sensitive to their culture and US papers are declining to run the cartoon in their papers. Even while they write stories about it.
  4. I don’t remember any concern about sensitivity the last time some hack wanted to make a name for himself by sculpting the Virgin Mary out of dung or putting a cross in a jar of urine.
  5. The cartoon wasn’t even that offensive.


Blogger Garble said...

They're pissed at /denmark/ I say we sit back and laugh at them both.

10/2/06 10:28  
Blogger Jim Brannick said...

the idea of anyone getting pissed over a cartoon is ridiculous. i agree with simon... people are way too sensitive.

10/2/06 16:34  
Blogger Garble said...

Welcome back Jimbo!

10/2/06 17:10  
Blogger Garble said...

Simon, I assume your buzzard comment is self referential. You did start the whole thing.

11/2/06 05:32  
Blogger NDammitt said...

Better late than never...

Islam itself isn't he problem; the problem is the belief that there is only one way to interpret the Koran, and that way was mandated in the fifteenth century. Most people would agree that feudalism doesn't work and that slavery is bad, but at the time that Islamic law was set down they were culturally acceptable.
Tyranny leads to great civil unrest. If you lived in a land that had been ruled by tyrants and despots for longer than any other place outside of China you might be as fucked up as every Arab population living under Islam.

All that being said, I agree with Garble: we should sit back, crack open a cold one, and watch the pizzerias and busses explode in Denmark.

11/2/06 08:22  
Blogger Garble said...

Why are you calling me dense? Am I wrong about when the project started? I wasn't there for the begining of it but from what you told me...

As to what's wrong with the arab world I have no idea. It's definately in the catagory of things i can't fix. But it's nice to see the same people that told us to be more sensitive getting a little heat

11/2/06 13:31  

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