Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I can't wait

From the trailer at IGN (link here) It looks like Magneto is done fucking about with small time jail-breaks and stupid plots out of the 1970’s.

(Oooh He’s going to turn world leaders into mutants. “Jeepers Scott, whatever can we do.” “Zowy wonder-girl we have to do something.”

Now it’s war between mutants who live peace with humanity and mutants that want to rule humanity. I can’t wait. It’s supposed to come out the end of May.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Ya know, the first two weren't bad. But they could've done so much better. The actors they picked were pretty spot on, but the plot seemed pretty ho-hum. Hopefully this one will be better! (BTW, i think bringing in the Phoenix is cheesy.)

14/2/06 04:42  
Blogger Simon Hawk said...

The phoenix idea is cheesy, I agree. I did enjoy the movies though.

14/2/06 05:12  
Blogger Garble said...

Pheonix will be cool or not depending on how they do it. If they take their time, forshadow and set the stage for X-men 4. They can do a good 90 minute movie on the Pheonix. It'll rock. If they squeez it into 20 minutes of x-men 3 it will probably not be so great

14/2/06 06:53  

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