Another way to know she's mine
My wife took the Kid to Target yesterday. The Kid sat in the cart with all the stuff and (I’m told) was mostly happy during the shopping trip. My wife had her back turned to the cart when a woman came up and said “excuse me but your daughter is eating butter.” Apparently she’s now able to open the box, pull out a stick of butter, peel back the wrapper and eat butter like a banana. I’m so proud.
Update: I changed the post title (with pride) after reading cohort's comment.
Update: I changed the post title (with pride) after reading cohort's comment.
Lol eating sticks of butter. I wonder which parent she got that from. Just kidding, don't get mad.
"The Kid" Real nice Garble, real nice....
Eating butter eh? Are you sure you didn't mix her up at the hospital with McMinns?
Why would I get mad? There can be no doubt. My wife is small and slender thing. I'm a huge ravenous oaf. My siblings cook with bacon grease and have chosen nick names like Uncle Cookie.
The kids a Garble. (She already types better than I.)
Haha a huge ravenous oaf. You hit the nail on the head that time. So do you ever call your daughter by her name, or will she be forever known as "the kid"?
Simon, i don't have a good psudonym for the child yet. Number 2 is now refered to as baby 1.6. But that changes as she moves towards being baby 2.0
Besids, if you ever got a chance to listen to her talk you'd know she could only be mine.
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