Two things...

2. As we near the 500th posting on the Spoonhouse, let us pay homage to the Hollyite gods by revamping the blog. I've made a few minor changes, but I need some feedback on any additional changes that can improve this holiest of houses.
[note: we would've passed the 500 post mark months ago, but somebody deleted the entire original Spoonhouse. Ass.]
oaiI like Lobot as our new mascot!
haha. Lobot used to be our mascot until Cohort and Simon started whining like a couple of school girls.
Personally, I think it'd be awesome to be Lobot. People could talk to you and you could just ignore them- and you'd have a good excuse because you have on a pair of cybernetic earmuffs. Also, he doesn't even have to speak to get his subordinates to do something... all he has to do is turn and point. That's cool.
Okay, maybe it was Si that complained the most. I can't remember. You guys both bitch about so much that I lumped you in the same category.
I agree with you Cohort. This movie will be worth seeing- and it's from the makers of Wedding Crashers, which was close (but not equal) to Old School.
I don't think Wedding Crashers came CLOSE to Old School.
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