Monday, November 06, 2006

This blog has become a hotbed of political debate.

It could be that the election cycle relentlessly shoves dumbed down politics in my face. I hate it. I understand that it’s self defeating to admit that your ideas are imperfect. I know that you don’t win elections by telling voters that the real world has scarce resources and that reasonable people can disagree with you. I realize that it’s easier to get elected if you can convince people that you’re 100% right or that your opponent isn’t human. I just hate listening to advocates. It bugs me and I start to tune it out. Elections seem to draw out the most shallow and zero sum rhetoric possible.

Anyway the blog has been slow.

I blame life everybody being busy at the same time. I also blame Samoans. They just have no conception of the inherent generosity of white man’s culture. Either way I have nothing original to say so I’m providing a link to Mr. Sun. He has great political buttons.


Blogger Simon Hawk said...

HaHa, you commented on politics!

6/11/06 10:14  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

Commented that I'm fucking sick of it. Everytime I look at this thing I think I'm reading a transcript of Crossfire!

6/11/06 10:20  
Blogger Garble said...

HAHA You Commented on politics TWICE!!!

6/11/06 12:02  
Blogger NDammitt said...

Uhm, actually.... I think That Garble will be in town on Tuesday until Friday morning for business. Might we have some beers and lie about how better off we all are now?

6/11/06 19:13  
Blogger Simon Hawk said...

mmmmmm, beeeeeer.

7/11/06 08:14  

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