Weekend Fishing

So Katie's brother and I went fishing this weekend and didn't do too bad. I labeled him "Hero of the Day" for his 2lb. 15in. largemouth, shown here. It was sitting just off shore next to his granfather's dock in about 2 feet of water. For those interested he caught it on a small neon green Rapala. They live on Spring Lake off of Hess RD in Holly.
Did your fising pole have A and B buttons, or X and Y?
Cohort's idea of the real world is actually playing "Real Life" the video game. He got to level 5 in bike riding and going outside.
The real world sucks anyway, and so does the tv show. Did you release everything you caught, or fry them up?
We transplanted this one. The others we threw back. I don't think I've ever kept a fish I've caught around here. The only one I ever even considered was a 6lb. pike I caught last summer. It was a personal best for me on my parent's lake. But I ended up throwing it back. I will post pictures when I dig them up.
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