Total Bullshit...
Can anyone tell me WHY exactly they are trying to destroy the new Batman franchise already? Christopher Nolan was off the a great start with this new series. He pulled the Batman franchise out of the utterly ridiculous funk created by the likes of shitfuckers like Tim Burton and Joel Shumacher. Turning it into a movie truly worthy of the Dark Knight. Then he goes and commits a travisty by letting them cast that asspirate Heath Ledger as the fucking Joker. Bob Kane is turning over in his grave as we speak...
I heard they were going to cast Orlando Bloom as Bane...
Bane was okay at first. Than, like most things in comics, they over did it. The origonal idea was good. Bad guy knows he can't beat BM head on so he wears him down with a bunch of little villans, takes some drugs to buff up and THAN kicks batmans ass.
What's wrong with HL as joker? He sort of looks like the joker. (Or as close as a real human can come) and he's not a /bad/ actor. I'm not exactly a fan, but I don't hate the guy.
He was okay in the patriot. Is it just that he played a gay man in a movie?
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