Book's almost here and ready to rock.
My buddy and I have been working on a novel for some time now, and we're nearing the final stages of completion. All we need to do is finish up one more chapter, proof-read, and add little things here and there. Then it's time to send it out to every major publisher there is. Hopefully this will boost us up to stardom and fame and glory and riches, then we can leave this two-bit dump known as Holly. All of you ungrateful assholes better buy this book.
Good for you. What's the book about? I'd love to read a draft if you've got one.
Garble, I'll find a draft of one of the chapters and send it to you in a few days.
Oh by the way Jackoff T. Buttblood. We initially started this project about two years ago. Long before Fatass Maddox said anything about books and ruined writing for everyone else.
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