Thursday, May 04, 2006


I’ve driven both the Buick Lacrosse and Lucerne and they’re really nice. (Cohort wouldn’t like them but he’s not really the target market). Everyone knows the big problem with Buick is that they’re for old people. Here’s a decent review of Buick from Truth about cars.

There is however a blue interior available on the Lucerne that is grotesque. I really don’t know why it was picked. I can only assume that drugs or insanity were involved. The picture below really doesn’t do justice to how unpleasant it is to look at. This is probably why we’re struggling so much. Even when we get something right we have to throw in a bunch of wrong. But maybe I’m wrong, maybe this color blue looks good when you have cataracts. Maybe there’s a huge number of retirees in Florida who just love it. I hope so.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

My Grandpa would like it.

4/5/06 08:40  
Blogger Cohort Mandibles said...

That sucks that the one good car GM has isn't selling.

4/5/06 09:01  
Blogger Garble said...

I can't believe i write a review of buicks and no one makes any cracks about it being boring.

4/5/06 15:40  
Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

I could make a crack if you really want me to!

4/5/06 18:51  
Blogger Garble said...

I'm not asking for one. I was just suprised no one went for the low hanging fruit.

5/5/06 05:14  

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