Thursday, April 27, 2006

Idiots Run Everything

This is so stupid that it made me stop lurking and post. It would buy me one tank of gas, which wouldn't really help. Not to mention that my $100 would probably go straight to Captain Morgan. It probably won't pass due to the Alaska drilling bit though.


Blogger Garble said...

What a bunch of pandering tools. It's not even subtle. Gas makes politicians stupid. They're putting something they know their opponents won't vote for (Alaskan oil drilling) in a bill with free money for everyone (Unless you pay taxes.) The dem's vote against it and their opponents can accuse them of not helping people. We get what we vote for.

27/4/06 11:04  
Blogger Cohort Mandibles said...

That's so fucking retarded. What's the U.S. population? Like 238 million? If even 50% are taxpayers, that's 119 million, times 100 dollars per person, that totals 11,900,000,000 dollars. Gee, what could they do with that much money?

27/4/06 11:12  
Blogger Garble said...

I think they should give it all to me.

27/4/06 11:57  

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