Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Onion as a source of News

Previously Jack and Simon were enraged at something reported in the onion. The details are sketchy, but according to Simon's Super Secret Spy Report, he and Jack had Steve Job’s head in their sites before they realized that the onion doesn’t report real news.

Actually, The Onion does sometimes report real news. Whether it’s precognition, the million monkeys effect, or just a failure to understand how stupid people can really be sometimes The Onion gets it right. In this case, they’re 8 years ahead of the real world.


Blogger Jack T Briggs said...

You can lay off us about the whole getting pissed at the onion thing! I asked if it was real or not first, no one anwsered me. I thought it was funny articles that might have had a little fact thrown in. Ol' Stevie got to keep his head this time, no biggie.

3/5/06 10:50  
Blogger Garble said...

I’ll stop cracking on jack for not knowing it was a joke at first. It was a little funny, but I don’t want to drive it into the ground. As for the Onion…sometimes I like it. The articles aren’t really that good but some of the other features can be entertaining. Not usually though. I read the link above and had to laugh. The Onion itself might not be that funny, but it’s hilarious when they’re right. (for a very small value of hilarity)

3/5/06 12:13  
Blogger Cohort Mandibles said...

I don't care what anyone says, Twinkies rule. Besides, if you get fat off them, it's your own damn fault for consuming so many.

4/5/06 06:11  

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