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- I found this in my archive, so I decided to post i...
I like how you start by ripping on Jim and finish by implying his work is professional caliber.
Damn! Where did you get those originals?! Nobody was supposed to know I couldn't draw!
Based on these original renderings, it looks like Marvel "downsized" Capt B's package in the final drawing.
Haha yeah. His junk was too much to handle at first.
This is by far your least funny post Cohort, except for Captain B's package, haha.
Simon, I like this post. It's funny.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with Garble (kill me now), it's not that funny. If anything you should've went BIGGER with CB's package.
It's O.K. I'm sort of dissapointed. It would have been great with a cohort style rant in each of the frames.
This one is missing something in my opinion.
Oh well, I still had fun making it. It's better than posts about 300 year old boats made out of tin foil. Booorrrinngggg.
What I liked about this one was that it appears to rip on Jim's art and than at the last minute doesn't. It's a very well balanced almost insult.
On the other hand, that tin foil boat thing would be cool. You can keep it next to your welding projects and hydro-plane.
My welding projects are doing just fine, I just repaired my entire boat trailer, made some hitch pins, and repaired the hitch on my dads garden cart. Also, I'm aquiring some oxy-acetylene torches at a good price, steel will be my bitch when I get my hands on those things. The stupid hydroplane is on hold because it's made out of wood and I've been more interested in working with steel/aluminum lately. The aluminum boat project is almost finished too.
You should post some pictures of your work
They're good, but not THAT good.
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